92% of Network Marketers are Guilty so Why Fight It?

Published: Mon, 12/06/10

If you're reading this email then

there's a good chance you believe
that the internet is the ONLY way to
go when it comes to building a
network marketing business, right

You don't want to touch any of the
"Old-School" or "Traditional" methods
of building a solid business because
you'd rather sit behind your computer, yes?

FACT: Over 92% of the people in
this industry are NOT online
, nor
do they have any desire to come online!

What this means for you and me is
that we better get comfortable with
some OFFLINE marketing methods
if we're going to build a long-term,
stable business

Knowing that 92% of your prospects
are OFFLINE, you better stop ignoring
what has the potential to make you a
. If you learn some of the proven
offline methods, which have created
in our industry long before
the advent of the internet, your income
could skyrocket in 2011 and beyond.

Not to mention that if you can't provide
your team some basic PROVEN offline
marketing strategies that they can
turn around and apply TODAY, then
those 92% will avoid you like the plague.

Remember, it's not what you want, it's
what your prospect wants! Forcing them
to learn online marketing methods is going
to be like grinding your teeth on shattered
glass if they don't want to play online!

This Wednesday, December 8th at 9 PM EST,

you're going to see how a millionaire
to build his business, and
it's something you can start doing TODAY!

Register now and show up early. Last
week our Wednesday webinar training
sold out before we even hit the "record"
button. icon wink Webinar Broadcast for Monday December 6th

== > http://webinar.teachingmlm.com/welcome/?t=aweber

Wednesday, December 8th
9PM Eastern (5 GMT)
8PM Central
7PM Mountain
6PM Pacific

Tap into 92% of MILLIONS of people
who are hungry for YOUR leadership.

I can't even fathom what learning this
stuff could mean for your business and
your bank account. Hopefully you get

on this Wednesday before it sells out.