5 year 100% money back guarantee!

Published: Mon, 02/21/11

Hello ,
Yeah, how many thing have you bought and the very minute you step outside the store the item just lost it's value. 
How many things do you buy and you hope and pray it will increase in value but really you just bought a depreciable item (car, clothes, tv...) .
Now it gets worse when you join a business and their products have no chance in even retaining value.
You know what I mean.
Those companies that sell:
Body slimers
Detox products
Energy (electricity/gas..)
Legal Services
NONE of these companies would EVER buy back their products from you in 5 years. 
Except one....
The company I am with is Numis Network and they are offering a 5 year 100% money back guarantee on our autoship
yes... you read that right.
What that means is - if in 5 years your ms70 silver coin of the month is worth LESS than you paid for it - simply send it back in and Numis will give you 100% of what you originally paid.
There has been a flood of fence sitters who were needing an extra push to get into a business that shows you how to:
Make money by selling Money.
Get started and contact me asap unless you want more people above you instead of below.
Go Here: http://www.ProsperousToday.com