Was The Outsourcing Webinar Good?

Published: Sun, 03/27/11

I'm going to be partial since I was the one hosting the training but here is a sample of what people were saying.
Claire N
Good Job... now you got me hyped again. Tell me where to begin.

Rich M
Hey Lawrence, great webinar. I felt stuck until tonight, working 90+ hrs a week. Outsourcing is the answer!

Gary A
Lawrence, Great presentation on MLSP tonight, thanks for all the good suggestions.

Monica in NZ
Hey Lawrence, thanks for a kick-ass webinar just now, really appreciate you sharing your wisdom and experience, not to mention your perspective! Have sent a friend request and hope you will accept.

James F
Thanks so much for taking the time for this webinar. I havent had this much clear info givin on this subject for the entire I've been studing Internet marketing. That one hell of a partner you have there in your wife.

Kaylo J
I'm a member of mlsp.Wow, the webinar was awesome. I love what you're doing man.Lets connect here.Meanwhile, enjoy your anniversary.

Vero L
hi Lawrence, thx for those great tips & presentation - hey I set my alarm at 5am to be on that call - bcose I have a full job and many commitments travel..etc...and I have to do it a different way ...would love to connect with you

Phil C
Lawrence; I was on MLSP outsource webinar, very good! I am MLSP member.

Adam C
Awesome stuff Lawrence!! I can't believe how much of my business I could be outsourcing.. Like articles, spinning, etc. and stuff that is just too time consuming!

Billie J
Thanks Lawrence for the content and value.......... fiverr! This is cool!
Thanks for hanging around on your wedding anniversary,,,,,Oh thank your wife for letting you stay around for a bit too

Moises C
I'm glad to be part of Lawrence team! It is truly an honor.
Robert D
Listening to Wednesday webinar as we speak. Great content, thanks again.
Jeff K
Great Webinar Lawrence! Your a marketing Ninja!James M
Very Very good stuff in here.. Good webinar Lawrence...
Team S
Great Webinar! Outsourcing Rocks!

Shonda G
great stuff Lawrence

Joseph S
excellent webinar, Lawrence!

Amelia J
Thank you for sharing your sources Lawrence!

For my full testimonials you can see them all in my 7 day bootcamp which I'm giving away free and now includes the recorded outsource training I just completed.
Click HERE: