211% Increase In Physical Traffic In One Day

Published: Wed, 04/13/11

Hi ,
If you have been following me you know I love SEO, blogging, and article marketing. I'm always looking for boosts of real traffic and different ways to attract more "real" people to my blog.
I did a quick test and something I implemented yesterday night... AFTER my kids went to bed...
I had an increase of 211% of human visitors to my website. The reasons I know this is because the time on site and bounce rate are about the same but more than 2 times the traffic...
I looked at some leads and I generated an additional 5 leads to my top end service product to my blog that pays me $800 commissions that close at 10%. So to say I'm ecstatic is a bit of an understatement.
The webinar of how it works will go LIVE tonight at 9pm EST
I'm not going to jump ship and say I found gold but for something that took me 30min to setup and post 1 blog post that increased my site traffic by 211% is not too shabby. I'll be testing some more as the days go on but I wanted to share with you my statistics and in the today's SEO process of having a 2x jump the VERY NEXT DAY is just unheard of.
Here is the tool if you want to jump on it before other's do (they pay out a commission of 30% but you can join for free)
Let the traffic wave begin ;)