80/20 For Your Business

Published: Fri, 04/15/11

Hi ,
I just wanted to keep this a short for the coming weekend.
1) 80% of your time needs to go into BUILDING your business.
2) 20% left over time goes into learning HOW to build your business.
You would be amazed to what you already know. Too many people I speak with are just too afraid of messing up and never start. They want to read the entire library and reach the end of the internet before "getting to work".
Don't fall into this trap.
If you REALLY feel you don't know enough. 
Graduate from my 7 day bootcamp (probably knock it out over the weekend if you tried) and just hit my marketing points hard even on the super cheap ;)
My 7 day Internet Lead Generation Bootcamp (no cost, just need time)