College Institution a Scam?

Published: Wed, 06/08/11

Hi ,
I saw this video about the claims of the college institution system being a scam. Primarily how it's a business system vs an education system.
I have 2 little kiddos of 4 and 6. Both of them I have pre-paid their college tuition and it wasn't easy but it will get worse in the next 10 years.
Check out this post that has a video talking about this crazy system.
Note: I am a graduate of the University Of Texas at Austin with a Mechanical Engineering degree. I think education is an absolute must but ONLY if your studying for something to make you money. If you do it for passion please don't spend that kind of money just because you HAD to go. Go for a reason. Go for a goal. Be it passion or career please have a end goal.
I've seen way too many people go to college just for a degree and come out with no jobs because they got a history major or english major. Both great degrees but ONLY if you know what field and career you wanted to go into. Cause if not, that is one expensive paper weight if your going to do that just to wait tables or be telephone sales.
Find the end goal then take the path to get there. 
If you wanted to make money, find the path that will make you money. 
If you wanted to enjoy your passion, find a way to FUND that passion.