More Twitter Love Than Million Dollar Companies

Published: Sat, 06/25/11

Hi ,
 If you have been reading along with my trainings and emails you know I'm a big geek when it comes to learning about internet traffic.
I'm always diving into different ways to grow my business and teach others the easier ways to build a brand and living online.
Well, I found this little website that does a metric on your exposure on Twitter. I'm not going to say I know how to use Twitter to sell products or sign people up into a business but twitter does have a lot of users so you can't deny that coverage.
So, I've been doing some light twitter marketing all for free and I took a look at a graph comparing my twitter traffic that mentions Lawrence Tam versus 2 large network marketing companies.
Organo Gold and Melaluca
Guess how had more Twitter love?
I have attached an image but that image is also in my article here:
So if you wanna get more customers you need to be thinking like a business. 
How you can use the internet and it's social platforms to spread your business out there to get more customers and sales.
So if you wanna get more customers and make more sales I highly suggest you check out my article on what I did and why I'm more loved on Twitter than these 2 big companies.
Full Article Here