Generate Website Traffic From Friends And Strangers

Published: Fri, 06/24/11

Hi ,
One of the cool things about marketing on the internet is that you don't have to do it alone. One of the really interesting things I've been diving into is the way to generate website traffic with the help of friends and complete strangers.
Yep, complete strangers.
Someone who couldn't even recognize me on the streets but will help drive people to my website. 
Weird huh?
So I did a test to one of my sites that was slapped by Google. I put no paid methods like PPC or safelists to it. Just one technique I would like to teach you on how to generate website traffic.
If you check out my traffic graph it's kinda of like I was doing CPR to revive my site and a burst of visitors just came by to check out my website. 
Pretty cool stuff considering how easy it was to do.
Check out my full article here