Nights Jobs - Who Really Wants Them?

Published: Wed, 06/29/11

Hi ,
I was doing some reading online and was remembering back in college when I worked part time at the mall at a video game store called Babbage's.
At the time I was looking for a night job while I went to school during the day and that was the best I could come up with. $5.00 an hour.
What I was really looking for was a night shift but couldn't find one open.
This got me thinking. Many people I have run across online who have requested to learn what I do probably are in a night job now. Or one that is their second job.
It's not uncommon for people to have 2 jobs these days with the way our economy is.
I run a business after hours on top of my mechanical engineering job. It's just not uncommon.
Do people really want a night job?
Let's take out commute, the weird times, giving up sleep, and having another boss.
Let's just say I have been able to generate a lot more revenue at night in a couple months than most can do in years if at all.
Check out my article and real numbers to what I'm dong on one of my projects.
Article Here
Hopefully I can convince more people that there are other options out there than having to go get a night job for another stream of income.