Future Proof Your Business [webinar invite]

Published: Mon, 06/27/11

Hi ,
I wanted to start doing some more inside training to the things I do online to show what is possible.
You don't have to be a genius or even full time to make some descent money online. 
Be it paying off your car loan or maybe just being able to travel a bit more, an additional stream of income that anyone can do from the comfort of their home can be done.
Let me show you how.
Now, the training will be a bit more technical and will assume you understand a bit about online marketing. 
If your a bit behind I would strongly suggest you gradate from my fr-ee bootcamp that dives into what I do personally. My bootcamp is found here: http://www.lawrencetam.net/bootcamp
But the main purpose of this was to personally invite you to my presentation to some pretty cool things you can start doing online.
It's going to cover a wide range of things and will be off the cuff so you KNOW I'm not a professional. Just a loving husband and father of 2 who works full time as a Mechanical Engineer yet able to kick some tail online :)

I wanted to send you a live presentation of some of the things I do live.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011 10:00 PM


PS. why send an email late at night? Cause that's the only time I get sometimes to send a email. Just goes to show you can still build a business "after hours".