My Recording Broke, Here Are The Notes On My Business Model

Published: Thu, 06/30/11

Hi ,
Oh the pain.
I did a pretty good 80min training webinar on the foundation of my business and had it recorded but my recording software decided to corrupt the file.
I submitted a ticket but if they can't resolve this it might be time I switch to Camtasia and away from iShowU HD (which has served me well for so long).
Anyhoo, the training I did I wrote up some notes (might not make sense if you weren't there), but we had some great questions and I truly feel there was some breakthroughs for those who attended.
I mean. As much as I wanted to NOT do the training because my wife and I wanted to watch Transformers 3, I'm glad I was able to do some training to help a good portion of those following me.
Now since I didn't record the training I'll probably do a similar presentation sometime next week. (Maybe July 5th or July 6th).
Try and put the piece together on my training notes. 
Article Here
Now, one of the questions I asked when holding this training was:
How successful are you marketing online?
Awful, Okay, Great
Now some of you that I've worked with are Great Marketers, but you still marked Okay. 
Now others and the overwhelming majority said  "Awful".
My goal is to get everyone who follows my trainings to at least get to Okay ;)
Oh, Remember to comment and leave some good questions for others. 
If you did attend the presentation by all means leave me a testimonial if you thought it was worth your time here:
Leave Testimonial For Lawrence's Training
Until my next training - Study up!