Desperate For A Job?

Published: Wed, 07/13/11

Hi ,
Look, I've been there.
I was desperate for a job. I was unemployed for about 18 months at one time. It was rough. I had no income except from my JOB.
My livelihood was directly tied to my ONE source of income.
That was the killer. It was I either get another job of the same type and pay or my life would suck bad.
Almost 10 years later things have changed now.
I no longer look at not having a JOB as the end of the world and extreme pressure to continue living a certain lifestyle.
I've built some pretty nice streams of income in a short amount of time that would allow me a safety net just in case my Mechanical Engineering position would be gone like the wind.
Do I make more in my side business as I do as a Mechanical Engineer. Not just yet but I'm getting there ;)
Check out my article on being desperate for a job and how I can relate to many of my readers.