On Facebook?

Published: Thu, 07/14/11

Hi ,
I have been messing around with a couple things and our team has been able to develop a pretty cool application on Facebook.
Well, if I haven't done so before, let's connect through Facebook and I also wanted your honest opinion on the application that our team put up a couple days ago.
If your not on Facebook and are trying to build a business.... shame on you.
Facebook is a GOLD MINE for any type of business. 
-->> So hit this special Facebook Link Here <<--
If for whatever reason you still do NOT have a Facebook account you can by all means just hide in the shadows and attempt to make life changing money without it but I would highly discourage against trying to build any business without Facebook.
If your making money then you need customers, and Facebook has a ton ;)
Use this link to check out our sweet Facebook App that we are using to build a business
Click Here
PS. I do NOT accept friend request without a message.