My Wife Thinks I'm Nuts

Published: Sat, 07/16/11

Hi ,
Funny stuff. My wife thinks I'm crazy for giving a free consultation to those who buy Mark Hoverson's information product through my link here:
Click HERE
She thinks this because I sleep 5 hours a night because I'm dedicated to spend as much time with my kids as possible and only work on my business after the kids are in bed. The means a maximum of a couple hours nightly after coming home from a full time Mechanical Engineering job, playing with kids, and hanging with her.
She's like "where are you going to find the time to do a f-ree consultation?".
My response is always the same in anything about my business:
"I'm going to make it happen".
Now there are many of you who already purchase through my link without my outrageous bonus so just send me an email and your receipt and lets get on with your private consult before I head off to Costa Rica to do some cool stuff with David Wood in his neck of the woods.
Click Here to buy the Mark Hoverson's Info Product BluePrint
PS. maybe I am losing my mind. The other day I forgot to put a signature in some of my emails. hahah. good times. Take advantage of my bonus before I realize I'm not dreaming.