[REVEALED] Simple NO-TECH Strategy for Newbies to get 10+ leads EACH DAY!

Published: Wed, 07/20/11

Date:  Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Time:  6:00 PM PST / 7:00 PM MST / 8:00 PM CST / 9:00 PM EST

For more time zones, please see the Time Zone Converter.

Hi ,

Not enough leads yet?

Ok... fine.

If you've been on my list for anytime, I've sent you training
on almost every effective lead generation strategy used
by networkers both online and off.

But I guess you can never have TOO many leads... right?

So I figured you'd LOVE to learn about this.

One of my marketing buddies has been using this SUPER
DEAD SIMPLE lead generation strategy for over ONE year now!

EVERY DAY he generates at least 10-20 HIGH QUALITY leads
for his business... every day just like clockwork.

His secret little strategy is:

    * VERY very low tech... you don't even need a website!
    * Perfect for new marketers, and those technically challenged
    * Potentially reach MILLIONS of prospects LOOKING for what you offer
    * Get High Quality QUALIFIED leads actually CALLING YOU!

PLUS... he's also going to be sharing a TOP SECRET
tool that is the SECRET behind his success!

You see many have tried this technique, and most NEVER
get any results.

But David is going to show you how to ENSURE you
get results, get leads, and grow your business with his
TOP SECRET techniques.

If you want leads... get on this training!

== > http://webinar.teachingmlm.com/welcome

This WEDNESDAY, July 20th at 9 PM EST!
Time Converter Link:

Oh and btw, this LIVE webinar is 100% F*R*E*E!

I'll see you TONIGHT ,