Tonight 10pm EST - Boogie Boards, Zip Lines, Coconuts and 300% Increase in Commissions?

Published: Wed, 07/27/11

Hi ,
The jungles of Costa Rica was fun this past weekend,but it dawned on me while working out there that people need to know something.
I want to share with you a simple math problem people online have no clue about.
Would you rather have say 20-30% commission payouts or say 97% payouts?
Topic for Training Tonight Is:
Controlling Your Own Destiny

Wednesday 10pm EST - Click To Register
So many people get this wrong and wonder why they don't make more money online... don't feel bad I was in your situation too and quickly jumping ship.
By all means share this on facebook, twitter, and get your team on this. I believe the more people who walk in my shoes have a better chance in exploding their business and even surpass my own accomplishments.