Economy Is Tanking But Government Has A Solution

Published: Thu, 08/11/11

Hi ,
How do I know the economy is in the hole?
  • My company stock has lost 18.59%.
  • Oil company Exxon was displaced by a Technology company (Apple) for the most valuable US company. Why this is bad?Who brings more money into the USA, oil and gas or a tech company that manufactures their goods in China (Foxconn = suicide employees)
  • National unemployment rate is 9.1%. But that figure doesn't take into effect people outside of receiving benefits. If your no longer receiving benefits and can NOT find a job you don't count? So there are estimates that the REAL unemployment for men in ther twenties to forties could be as high as 20%.
I could go on an one but I'm not here to depress you . I'm here to share with you a possible OUT.
See, there is actually a government approved money making system on Facebook. It's a nifty.
You might have seen other home businesses or ways to make money but have you seen one backed by the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT?
If you  haven't seen this and your sick and tired of how things are going it's time to spend  a little bit of your time watching this:
The Only Government Approved Money Making System on Facebook.