What is Easier - Creating or Keeping Your Money?

Published: Wed, 09/07/11

Hi ,
I know most people will say it's harder to CREATE money but I would like to challenge that.
I saw this online and wanted to see if you see something I do:

"A postage stamp in year 1950 was 3 cents; in year 2008, it costs 42 cents (1,400% inflation = 4.74% per year for 58 consecutive years)."
Thinking about inflation is something most Americans just take for granted that it's there and it's just a fact of life.
Most of use have grown up with fast food meals that are like $5. What happens if your looking at "value meals" that are $50 bucks?
My first encounter with inflation as a kid was in elementary school when I was at the arcade hall playing Street Fighter II for a quarter ($0.25). 
Couple years later I started to see arcade machines starting to charge $.50! I thought this was highway robbery.
These days if you go into a Full Tilt (what we have in malls for arcade halls) most games will run $0.75 to $1.00 for a basic arcade game.
So what does inflated arcade game prices have to do with you?
What's the point of generating income with a J.O.B. or even internet marketing if what you pocket is slowly shrinking away?
Make a $1.00 today only too see it worth $0.95 in a couple months? That's just nutts.
So what am I personally doing to fight this? I'm getting educated in making my money work for me. 
How? Well I have been paying into my 2 kids education and buying college credits before hand. In another college program I bought a mutual fund that has increased more than 30% in 1 year. 
Leveraging your assets is critical if you plan to expand your worth without working more hours and killing yourself.
Another example is converting my paper cash into hard silver. 
I've been collecting silver ever since I joined my primary opportunity and have also been buying in bulk. For my birthday I've been buying Silver, and a lot of it.
Have you seen what the gold/silver markets are doing in the last 2 years? What did your CASH do for you?
Shoot. Even Utah is now accepting silver as legal tender! 
So why not diversify your actual money to fight back right?
So where did I start to learn about this type of thinking? How to fight back against inflation and start investing more into my future and KEEP what I've been working so hard to earn?
I want you to check out this presentation that has me taking notes and taking action on my OWN money. 
Presentation Reservation Here
Why work 25 hours in a day (yes, I mean 25 because people are overworked these days) when you can leverage to make MORE money with what you have today.
I'm all about education and love to invest into it. So why not invest into learning HOW to have your money work for you (think compounding interest but in a bigger picture).
I look forward to writing more about this subject and will be putting more work on my site to better inform you on what I'm personally doing to protect my wealth and ensure my children's future. 
Here is the limited access link