A Lesson I Taught My Daughter About Selling

Published: Fri, 09/09/11

Hi ,
Well, to be more specific to sell using a fundraiser.
If you have kids you can relate to the cycle of endless fundraisers that are vital to your kids education. Fundraisers pay for school field trips, equipment, and many others that the school just can't afford.
 Now with deep budget cuts this year, the school hasn't been able to do much at all and is leaning even more on fundraisers to pay for school upgrades on antique equipment (have you seen some of the school equipment? It's like the stone ages if you check out some of the technology that is still in use)
So last year my daughter was #1 in sales for kindergarten and this year I wanted to teach her more about selling through video.
Principles like people buy from YOU, and always respect the viewer for their time.
Check out my article with 2 videos and see how much my daughter has progressed in 1 year (she's 6 now).
You know they say, you really know something when you can teach it.
I'm instilling confidence and public speaking (or speaking in front of a camera) at an early age. Why?
Because it was a huge hurdle for me back when I started 3 years ago.
See, I'm not a born marketer but over time I've developed skills and strengthened my natural skill set to transition over to online marketing. Now I'm very comfortable in front of a camera and have sold a lot of products using selling videos.
I'm pretty proud of my little girl... now I gotta get my 4 year old son to sit still long enough in front a camera ;)
Comment and share the article as teaching can come at any age.
Click Here: http://www.lawrencetam.net/how-to-fundraise-for-school/