Gifted And Talented - GT

Published: Wed, 09/21/11

Hi ,
So last night I went to a GT presentation. GT stands for Gifted and Talented. In our school district that doesn't mean accelerated but more like "special learning".
Special learning on the opposite side of the "learning disabled". They were telling us it's more like "learning enabled" but not necessarily high achieving (getting As)
The point was to get my 6 year old on a track where she could get into accelerated learning courses. In the elementary stage it's not a huge deal but I remember going to regular english in 9th and 10th grade and 75% of the people in there are NOT looking to further their education. 
Remedial  English was more like it.
The point was I NEVER want my kids to go to a class where the majority are basically learning impaired or just plain lazy. The teacher then is spending so much time getting some hood rat to do their homework when really the main objective is to teach those who WANT to learn.
Pretty blunt and a little bit mean... 
But here is the truth. 
Those who succeed academically generally do so because they WANT TO. If the resources are there the majority will succeed.
The issue comes into place when the ones who WANT IT are dragged down by those who want a free handout and live off the system.
Didn't think so.
GT courses are designed for the 3% of the population. I wanted to design a course designed for the 50% of the population. Those that are looking to work hard and change their life. 
Your here because you want to enrich your life. You want to get out of the rat race. You want to achieve a better life.
You can by all means continue to work your job. We need nurses, teachers, medics, doctors, engineers.....
My goal is to boost your income and pretty much give you a raise regardless of your companies earnings, your job performance, or the economy.
Leveraging the internet and building a business with automation.
So let's get out of the class room with people who don't care about their financial future. 
The #1 step into understanding automation online is going through training.
-paid off my infinity m35 in 18 months
-going on my 8th vacation trip this year
-5 years away from paying off my house
-got my wife (energy accountant who's salary is higher than my engineering one) to stay home full time
- 7 years of pre-paying my kids college tuition. (need 1 more year to put in)
-NO Debt, NO student loans, NO credit card debt
The idea that got me to achieving all of this was using the internet to WORK FOR ME.
Graduate from my 7 day course and if your already in it re-visit it and let's talk about what your next course of action is.