Part 2 -Making Over $1k Online In A Day With Traffic

Published: Sun, 09/25/11


Hi ,

I just got back from my college of University of Texas at Austin doing a recruiting trip for my oil and gas company.
It was a pretty cool experience to see young adults who are looking to break out and prepare to join the work force as engineers in the oil and gas industry.
One of the major skills they do NOT have is an understanding of automated traffic online. 
Now, that is not a fault of the University or them as they just never learned how. 
Learning to generate traffic on autopilot is not like learning compressible flow or even differential equations (those 2 classes are 10x harder to comprehend - trust me).
Learning to generate traffic isn't even hard, you just need to know where and how to do it.
So, this Wednesday I'm going to show you my traffic statistics and how I'm currently driving traffic online with automation.
Wednesday September 28, 2011 
10pm EST
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This is the 2nd part of my training to teaching you how to  make more than one thousand in a single day. It's possible and I do it all the time. 
but.. generating income like that is not rocket science... it's not even engineering science....
Generating traffic is a pretty straight forward method.
I'm going to break it down so you won't be in traffic poverty.
This is an open invitation to seeing what I teach my personal mastermind teams on a weekly basis. So I'm going to give you a peek to what I do and this is my monthly training series to my guests. 
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If you missed last months training on the importance of ownership, here is the training for the Part 1 of 3 about generating $1k in a day online. This was done in August 2011.