Don't Get Me Wrong - Buy Everything

Published: Tue, 10/04/11

Hi ,
Well.. maybe
What I mean by buy everything is, if you got the dough then buy it. It's good for the economy and those businesses can use your much needed boost of sales.
if your talking about a business... there is a breaking point.
I've signed up with a couple but I run ONE. One business in terms of network marketing, and I'm not looking to jump ship to make a buck so don't even ask ( I get asked too many times per day it's not even funny anymore).
The others are run on auto pilot or managed by one of my partners.
So one of the main points I wanted to drive home today is that in my business you work with ME.
My name is Lawrence Tam and you can totally check out my bio and "google" me. I'm not hiding.
I'm going to tell you right now that if your on someone's website and they are "hiding" who they are or better yet when they email you they out right REFUSE to tell you their name... what does that tell you?
I got an email response the other day that they didn't like that I was "making fun" of their home business.
Um.... well I wasn't 
I was just stating the fact that if you were at a party and you had the option of taking home party gifts of health products or silver... which would you take?
Oh, this person didn't want to tell me their name.. why hide?
I mean your on my list *cough*cough*.
Hey, let's be open about our opinions and by all means let me know what you think. I'm not perfect and sure I might step on toes.. why?
If I didn't are I would take on some alias name and just try and sell to you without building a relationship with you. Hide behind emails. Never tell you my real name. Never show videos of myself. Never show pictures of my daily life.
I'm opinionated, in your face, and real.
That's all I can be.
Now.... if I did hurt your feelings or someone in your team... 
Hey.. It's just an e-mail... here is digital band-aide
I'm not attacking companies or bashing people for their beliefs in how you make money.
Why? that serves no one.
Your going to make your money the way you want to make money.
I mean.. If you love going to hotel meetings... do it!
I'm not one of those and don't expect me too unless there are special circumstances (at least 5 people who are ready to buy).
That's just my business model.
I mean, you came to me to learn how to drive traffic....
As my wise older brother once told me when I got ran over in footballl when I was younger....
"dude, grow a pair"
Online marketing is harsh and people get their panties in a wad waaaay to easily. Let the boys hang a bit and just be "frank". People get too serious and think the world is going to end.
Come on over and connect with me live in person ( I know it's rare) in a couple weeks in Disney World.
Meet me live, have a couple drinks, and let's talk marketing ;)
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