I'm Leaving Youtube and Viddler

Published: Tue, 10/18/11

Hi ,
If you have been hitting some of my video trainings on my website you might have noticed as of last night some are not working. 
About a year ago I was slapped off of youtube. It wasn't nice and all because someone didn't like my video. No warning, No email. Just kicked.
I have since gotten another youtube account and it's primarily for my own personal use (shooting videos of my kids, or the random training video) but I normally don't use it for marketing.
I have started to push more of my marketing training videos into viddler. I've been with them over 2 years now. 
As of last night I noticed some of my trainings were not pulling up.
I got viddler slapped! ARRR
Well, turns out my account is now being classified as a business account and instead of being emailed and told they just closed my account and basically held it hostage.
I can't access my account or see any of the videos until AFTER I pay for an upgrade.
Looking at the numbers I actually would pay MUCH less just using my own hosted video hosting with Amazon s3 and my customized video player.
I might make pay for the viddler business account for the mean time but thinking back to what I really wanted to do with these videos it doesn't make sense to put any more videos on there especially capture page videos, important training videos, and testimonials.
I have so many video testimonials today that are NOT playing until I pay them. doooooh.
So it's going to be a slow process but I'm officially be going to move all of my "business" videos like trainings and testimonials to my own hosted video website and HIGHLY recommend you do too.
This is what I personal use to host my videos for the last 18 months
So it might take some time before I get everything re-uploaded and encoded but for the most part most if not ALL of my stuff will be leaving youtube and viddler or any public hosting video site.
Here is my video player I use now and for the future
I will be hosting a Facebook Traffic webinar tomorrow. Here are the details:
Click Below To Register Your Seat:
Wednesday, October 19, 2011 10:00 PM EST