Something Is Coming (email 1)

Published: Mon, 01/09/12




It's pouring here in Houston and I gotta drive to my dentist appointment... yuck.


But the extreme happiness still continues from attending the 1st playoff win for the Houston Texans.... Awesome...


As I was watching the game with the record breaking 71,000+ people at the Reliant Stadium in Houston, it was hard to not think about my business as a whole.


I was looking around and people buying $8 beers and sitting in $300 (cheap) seats it's just the norm. I mean for the normal person, a $300 ticket to watch a sports game is just crazy... to other's it was a memory that will last forever.


But is it because everyone at the game was rich?

Did everyone at the game make 90k in 9 weeks online?


Cause seriously... I was doubting in my life time I would spend $600 on 2 tickets.... I mean come on. I'm chinese and I'm the only bread winner at my household. That would just be irresponsible of me to spend that money on just entertainment... maybe that's the engineer in me.


Then it dawned on me.


It's not about me.


The world doesn't revolve around Lawrence Tam.


As of right now... I have literally hundreds of customers and thousands of people on my lists learning from me online.


It would be a total disservice to NOT help them......


See my goal was to live my life with a small team ( a high ticket team ). Which I'm totally fine with.


How can I better server the others who can't?


How do I help the masses who have known me online over 3 years?


Something is coming.


Wait till tomorrow to see a video of my idea to helping the masses.