So How Does Money Transfer In Home Business?

Published: Mon, 01/23/12

Not sure if you got this but I think it's critical that you know how your going to get paid...

I mean if you took a job you would want to know what your salary is right?
What the $/hr is right?
If your getting paid nightly, weekly... 
I did this 4 part video series to dive into the main methods of what I've experienced in my 3 years online. 
Instead of making this a 4 day event... I wanted to give this link for you to "bookmark" and watch over and over.....
If you get this wrong you can be like me where I generated 10,000 leads and didn't sign anyone up to my primary business.... There is a reason and I know for sure why...
Share it to your teams, and on facebook because being paid like a chump is just not acceptable in 2012.