Updates On Trainings and Pats losing

Published: Mon, 02/06/12

It's been a crazy couple of weeks but wanted to send you some quick updates

1) 100 day blogging challenge is still on for tomorrow Feb 7
10pm EST
this is headed by my good friend Galen Morgigno
the full reason is that blogging is how we get our traffic so you better dive in and get connected if you want to grow a super targeted "list"

2) Project Mayhem Training not live this week
I am NOT doing a training on project mayhem this week.
I have updated my Basic Training  to #5
Strategies used here can be for empower or anything that uses a funded proposal or marketing system.

3) Amazon Training
Release Video #5 to my Amazon Training is on schedule for this week.

Just check http://teamprojectmayhem.com/bonuses/amazon-selling/
with your password
If you still don't have access
-access by joining me empower network http://www.LawrenceTam.net/103111
-access by joining  me in Visalus http://www.lawrencetam.net/joinv (with option to give to your teams too)
-by access as a beta user http://www.lawrencetam.net/amazon-selling-using-empower-network/

 4) A special Christian based webinar scheduled for Thursday Feb 9, 10pm EST
This is a special webinar I wanted to put together for my christian based faith friends and students. If you believe in Jesus as your savior and want a off the cuff training on my life and what I'm doing in business by all means attend.
I felt I needed to do a different type of webinar and wanted an option out there for those of you who have the sames spiritual beliefs to see what I'm doing and why I run the businesses I run a certain way.

5) The Secret "Webinar"
It's so secret I'm not even going to give details, signup information, or what the heck it is...

All you need to know is that it's coming and it's not for everyone.
--Stay Tuned--

on a final note... I'm glad the "evil empire" of the Patriots lost. hahahah. I kid, I kid.... but not really. glad they lost ;)

PPS . I'm down 11 pounds since jan 1... I hope everyone still has their new year resolutions on track ;)