Webinar 10pm EST Tonight - Christians Can Make Money, Right?

Published: Thu, 02/09/12

A special Christian based webinar scheduled for Tonight, Feb 9, 10pm EST
Well, tonight I'm holding a special webinar about ow a part time marketer who believes in Jesus runs his business.
This webinar isn't for everyone so don't feel obligated to attend but I have had a pretty good response to wanting something like this because it's pretty rare to see a Christian marketer come out and just do it.
I'm not saying I've "made it" in this industry I call online marketing and network marketing but I feel I have experienced enough and made enough money to be able to give a good, solid foundation to what I feel people should do to succeed.

Unlike a basic webinar built on selling or training, this one is going to be more about my story and how I came to where I am online today.

It's just odd with the success I've been able to achieve in the last couple months but that's exactly what people want.
How I took my business from ~$5k/month to $30k+/month in 1 month.

It's not as difficult as you might think and I really feel God had plans and I just had to follow through. Sure I would rather have had it happen sooner (4 years in the making offline then online), but I'm happy to have some success.
So no credit cards, no opt in pages, no next step to be pushed into a funnel.
My buddy wanted to bring his church members onto a "different" type of webinar and if there is anything to be sold I'll just say "Please go back to the person who referred you to this webinar and story". My buddy wanted to use this platform to help educate his friends at church that making money online IS REAL.
But he wanted it from another Christian brother. So to not confuse them (since the webinar was originally for them before I opened it up to my people) I'm not going to have any affiliate links, join links, or personal links.
If you have another faith by all means don't attend but if you do have business associates that are, I'm going to be diving into a LOT of different things and 2 major things will be discussed a LOT.

1) Empower Network as a funded marketing system for Online Traffic
2) My primary business in Visalus and why it was leveraged for someone like me (part time)
Since this is going to be a smaller gathering... I expect no more than 100 to attend I'll be showing a bit more "sensitive" data so PLEASE do not share this video on youtube... A recording will be sent out but will be unlisted as this was primarily for my friends small gathering.
I just figured.. hey, there has gotta be some Christians on my email lists that would like to jump in and take a peak to how I built my business.

Registration Web Link: https://www3.gotomeeting.com/register/359934534
Tonight, Feb 9, 10pm EST

PPS . The Secret Process Is Around The Corner. The Method To Duplicating $10k/month Earners... If you can't wait - reply to this email and I'll send you a quick application to see if your ready to work with our team and proven system.