Faith and Money?

Published: Wed, 02/08/12

A special Christian based webinar scheduled for Thursday Feb 9, 10pm EST
I know this isn't like the most professional thing to do as crossing "faith" and "business" isn't what your supposed to do... but I'm sick people just not making it happen.
I started to see a pattern and it was just sickening. So I decided to take serious action.

I went and collected the 3 previous years of business online and offline knowledge/experience and decided to cut my own path.

Sure there were some major roles that helped navigate me to where I needed to go like Daegan Smith, Brian Fanale, Cedrick Harris, and David Wood... because I KNOW personal mentorship is huge. But I needed something  else too...
you get it.. my faith.

I had to have faith in myself and that their IS a higher power for me to be where I am and why it took me down this path.
So a buddy told me he had a large faith based group who wanted to listen to a "non guru salesperson" talk about making money online/offline and actually asked me.

I could have had it closed door but I KNOW there are many in my collective lists from customers/students who would like to see an "off the cuff" presentation that is just about my life and how I hit $100k in 3 months then the next month added another $13k in a week from a DIFFERENT income stream.
How, what, for real?

I wanted to share without some professional slide show and my ideas to what REAL, Part Time, people can do to better their lives financially.

Registration Web Link:
Thursday Feb 9, 10pm EST

PPS . The Secret Process Is Around The Corner. The Method To Duplicating $10k/month Earners... Stay Tuned