About today's Email and being "Tired"

Published: Thu, 03/01/12

Oh No....
So I sent the email below to a lot of people...
I figure I get like 2-3 people who are ready to take their business income to the next level due to my success stories...
ummmmmm, I didn't expect 11 in 2 hours during lunch... after kids sleep it's going to be a busy night...
so my solution is detailed here:

----- Previous Email Today-----

I stayed up to 2am last night and woke up at 5:30am to get to work... yeah.. still part time but that's okay..
I don't work for the money anymore... 
Just a heads up that I might be in and out for the next couple days due to a massive push in the last couple days to help my team members make 10k/month.... crazy sounding but check this out.
in 45 days just from memory since I'm in a zombie state due to lack of sleep...
  1. I helped over 17 people get a BMW car (get a car allowance of $600/month for life)
  2. Of those 17, about 5of them are now going to be making anywhere from $2k-$6k/month 
  3. 1 of my team members is now in place to make $6-$8k/month and a company share of the entire company.
We did this in 45 days...
And the crazy thing...it has NOTHING to do with online traffic, leads, funnels, capture pages.....
See.... I said the $10k/month secret is coming... 
Due to my obligations to my team and my family... I can NOT teach this process to everyone... plain and simple.
My wife has decided to review all applications too since the more time I spend with new clients it takes time away from her... (bless her soul... pregnant women just need their feet rubbed nightly).

When your ready to see what my team will be doing in 6 months.... wait until you see how many $10k/month earners we will have ;) 
but if you wait.... that is just YOU missing how we do it.

My team is called the master alliance for a reason.
Turn on your thinking cap and fill out the application below like your trying to get into an top flight college.

Don't give me your B game... I need to know your serious about making it happen for 2012 with PROVEN results... no silly ebook or how to guide to sell you something else...

Just results
Just Life Changing Events
When your ready to make that step
Click Here To Apply 
**Due to the influx of applications from last week, expect a couple days for me to review. Your application will be reviewed in the order it was received.**

PPS .Click HERE ->  The Application to Being On My 10k Team