My Wife's Feet Are Sore...

Published: Fri, 03/02/12

So one of the things I do with my wife is I generally sit on the couch next to her and I listen to a webinar and massage her feet. I mean that's the least I can do for her as she has our 3rd baby in her belly.
 But the last couple months I've been working in my office and not doing my thing and she's like 
"hey... when you coming down and hanging out with me".
so.... I have been a bit neglecting my wife the last 2 full months so I'm going to try and get back to at least spending more night time with her.
I got over 30 new applications to work with me to learn how I am creating more success stories within my own team than most companies do in that same time frame.
17 people on my team qualified for a BMW.... 
I'm about to help 2 more people on my team make over $10k/month using my special "sauce".
See... as an engineer I feel things need to have structure... I took an awesome system and started to refine it...

The result is that I am the #1 Business Builder in my entire company at the Ambassador Level ($10k/month).

Go through 30 applications in order or rub my wife's feet.
Kind of a crazy situation but hey... this is what life is about. Having a happy wife and a team that makes life changing income.
My wife will be looking over these applications and I will be calling them personally..
NO assistant
NO phone room
NOT my team member

I will call you. 

so please be patient and you texting me will NOT get you in the front of the line.
My TEAM has first priority and after that I am investing my precious time I have left (remember I work this part time) to applicants.

Last night and this morning I had over 30 applications filled out and ready for review.
So let's say I have a lot of digital paper work to go through.

I called 4 people today and 2 were voicemail.
1 person said they were just too broke to change their financial life. I'm not here to convince you that you need a change.... If you are doing fine financially then my training and team system is probably not the fit... I mean if your already making $60k/month email me back so I can learn from you.

I only make $40k/month right now. I will push my pride to the side to figure out how to increase my income by 50% any day.

The below is the previous email... no joke... I'm closing in on helping people make $10k/month...and I just got started 45 days ago....

Watch it...
----- Previous Email Yesterday-----

I stayed up to 2am last night and woke up at 5:30am to get to work... yeah.. still part time but that's okay..
I don't work for the money anymore... 
Just a heads up that I might be in and out for the next couple days due to a massive push in the last couple days to help my team members make 10k/month.... crazy sounding but check this out.
in 45 days just from memory since I'm in a zombie state due to lack of sleep...
  1. I helped over 17 people get a BMW car (get a car allowance of $600/month for life)
  2. Of those 17, about 5of them are now going to be making anywhere from $2k-$6k/month 
  3. 1 of my team members is now in place to make $6-$8k/month and a company share of the entire company.
We did this in 45 days...
And the crazy has NOTHING to do with online traffic, leads, funnels, capture pages.....
See.... I said the $10k/month secret is coming... 
Due to my obligations to my team and my family... I can NOT teach this process to everyone... plain and simple.
My wife has decided to review all applications too since the more time I spend with new clients it takes time away from her... (bless her soul... pregnant women just need their feet rubbed nightly).

When your ready to see what my team will be doing in 6 months.... wait until you see how many $10k/month earners we will have ;) 
but if you wait.... that is just YOU missing how we do it.

My team is called the master alliance for a reason.
Turn on your thinking cap and fill out the application below like your trying to get into an top flight college.

Don't give me your B game... I need to know your serious about making it happen for 2012 with PROVEN results... no silly ebook or how to guide to sell you something else...

Just results
Just Life Changing Events
When your ready to make that step
Click Here To Apply 
**Due to the influx of applications from last week, expect a couple days for me to review. Your application will be reviewed in the order it was received.**

PPS .Click HERE ->  The Application to Being On My 10k Team