(2 of 3) Why Money Isn't Everything....

Published: Fri, 03/09/12

So I talked to a couple people who make more than $10k/month in their home business and there are a couple of things I've learned.
  1. If you plan to use the internet as your ONLY source of traffic to sell anything.... the average person will fail.
  2. Most people have no capacity to learn and when they do they get bored quickly
  3. The biggest gains almost always come with a mentor  (I am NOT accepting personal coaching clients at this time)
It's not rocket science how this is true. Online is just ONE broad set of traffic methods. Too many people want to fall in love with online due to the "ease" of not having to leave the computer. 
What people forget is there is nothing easy in this world that is worth achieving.
The average person fails due to many reasons but the main one is due to lack of faith in themselves.  It's like how when I went to the University of Texas of Austin and so many dropped out freshman year. It's a "weed out process".
I mean people join businesses and sell stuff for "money" but that is just an end result of a process we build.
I want to SHOW you that process.
go ahead and read the email I sent out yesterday and stay tuned for this weekend as I release my thoughts on why falling in love of  "money" will  have you chasing dreams... but I have a better solution.
something MORE fundamental to helping the average person succeed.
Stay tuned for the next email...
------ Email from yesterday------
Here is something that might be shocking......

check out this picture


I've made a lot of money with this program.. awesome stuff and highly recommend for ........
I'll explain more tomorrow.

PPS .Click HERE ->  The Application to Being On My 10k Team