Potential ....

Published: Mon, 03/26/12

Hi it's Lawrence Tam.
So the last email of so I talked about "potential energy".
This is the thought that people tend to want more than they have potential for. I'm not talking lottery but real life success stories.
Over time, if you build up potential energy you will attract more success due to the principle of "attraction marketing".
All this means is.... if you plan to live a long and prosperous life you need to build YOU first.
One of the first places I recommend ANYONE online is to learn basic principles of online attraction marketing which in turn builds ----->> potential energy
Start your potential energy learning here -> www.lawrencetam.net/em
But... remember potential energy is not a direct indication of making financial wealth.. it's just the potential to do so.

It's like my BMW M3 that has 414 horse power. It's not like I drive it hard every day... but it has the POTENTIAL... to do so.
Start with a good foundation. Dedicate yourself to the pursuit of NOT being a flash in the pan. I'm here to groom you into a long lasting business owner who can withstand any obstacle.
That starts with building up your potential energy.
The  person who understands that I don't teach a lottery type mentality will get that I'm grooming your for long term success vs the person who wins the lottery then ends of worse in debt 5 years later.
So my #1 source to building up potential energy like I have over the last 3 years online is to learn a focused online activity.... 
Learn it here ->  www.lawrencetam.net/em