38 customers in 30 hours.. not days

Published: Tue, 04/03/12

Hi it's Lawrence Tam.
Over the years I've been blessed to work with some awesome marketers.

Now... the point of being a marketer is to have production.
Without production... it's pointless... right?
We all want results.

So I was blessed to be able to work with a great person in Jerry Vinson.

In a tight crunch he went into overdrive and produced 38 customers and 1 new business rep in a business in a span of 30 hours....

That is just unheard of.  In any industry or business or company or biz opp

Not from launch
Not by spending money in a giant co-op
If you want to see the video he did where he got his BMW by hitting this mark... it just shows he's a normal hard working guy that has some "special sauce" working for him.

It just goes to show when determination is paired with action... you can shatter what you think is possible.

Check out his video here:
Oh, those sales are recurring charges too... not just one time sales!
Find him on facebook.