Jerry's Process of Selling

Published: Tue, 04/10/12

So many have contacted Jerry about how he did this (Refer to the email down below to see what Jerry did). Jerry did a variety of things to help him get that type of production but...

I wanted to focus on one. 
Online. one of the ways to get exposure is through free trial sites and free offers.
What this is ... is a way for people to TRY before they really BUY.
This is how it is in many places but it's pretty popular in mail order and on the internet.
Jerry planted seeds with his prospects. 

He gave out physical samples and did this over time until a point came where he came to collect on a response.
The similar method to this is broadcast to prospects WHAT you have and to have it super inexpensive or even free.
Remember, speed of implementation is important so having to build your own free trial site or free product give away site is one of the reasons so many fail online.
They never really get a virtual store front up quick enough before their OWN interest dies off.
So, it's important you have online infrastructure in place quickly if you plan to grow your team rapidly.
Here is an example of a sample site my company gives to BMW and above reps. I have used it to collect prospects passively.
That's the whole point right?

To build a team Actively AND Passively....

check out my sample site and by all means take a sample for yourself to see why putting together technology and traditional offline marketing if done properly can work.
click link below to be taken to my sample site:
The reason consumables are the #1 reason offline network marketing companies are billion dollar companies.. it's because people RE-BUY.. if it works.
Some personalities need to KNOW it works before they buy. 

If your in a products or service company this is something you want to integrate into your business asap.
------------- Previous Email About Jerry's Customer Explosion -------------
Hi it's Lawrence Tam.
Over the years I've been blessed to work with some awesome marketers.

Now... the point of being a marketer is to have production.
Without production... it's pointless... right?
We all want results.

So I was blessed to be able to work with a great person in Jerry Vinson.

In a tight crunch he went into overdrive and produced 38 customers and 1 new business rep in a business in a span of 30 hours....

That is just unheard of.  In any industry or business or company or biz opp

Not from launch
Not by spending money in a giant co-op
If you want to see the video he did where he got his BMW by hitting this mark... it just shows he's a normal hard working guy that has some "special sauce" working for him.

It just goes to show when determination is paired with action... you can shatter what you think is possible.

Check out his video here:
Oh, those sales are recurring charges too... not just one time sales!
Find him on facebook.