What You Do Now Will..

Published: Thu, 03/29/12

Hi it's Lawrence Tam.
So the basic fundamental principle I want to drive home is that ....
Anything worth striving for in life will take time.
Graduation from College
Getting on the high school football team
Convincing your high school girlfriend to marry you 7 years later
Learning internet marketing for 3 years for having a $10,000 day 
We all are impatient.. I get that.
What I don't get is why people do NOT heavily invest into themselves. 
People want a pill to fix the problem...
I'm here to fix the root cause of why people don't make a full time living online and it comes down to ONE specific thing -> knowledge
Knowledge alone will NOT make you money.
We all know a bunch of smart book people who are broke as hell... right?

It's like your best friend who got straight A's in school and tells you that network marketing and internet marketing are scam.... 
Then he goes to work 60 hours a week for 50 years hoping he can retire... now THAT is a scam.
We can retire NOW... but it's not what you think.
Look around you and check out any ultra successful person who has made a significant amount of money. 
ALL of them do NOT just sit at home watching TV while they make $30k/month.
Every single person who makes a great killing in network marketing and internet marketing are ALWAYS increasing their knowledge and investing into themselves. why????

It's a habit of ultra successful people.. period.
If you want to be ultra successful it might take you time but YOU MUST learn to always invest into your own education. Always. 
If your in network marketing, affiliate marketing, and internet marketing the one trait you MUST adapt to is learning.
I highly suggest you separate the need to associate knowledge with money and only realize that knowledge is the potential for learning if APPLIED...
IF Applied.
So I say get as much as you can learn in your spare time.
When your mowing the lawn to running your morning mile. Pop in some good course to shift the mindset of your being to being wealthy WELL before you are. That's how rich people stay rich. 
Where do I recommend to learn how to crush it in business?

I would say... Get your $25 out and commit yourself to having at LEAST $25/month to feed your brain the methods of building a sustainable life long business.... 
You need to learn marketing... and that includes online and offline marketing. 
Your education starts here -> http://empowernetwork.com/livefromthebeach.php?id=spooon
Thank me later with a hug or a video when you finally understand that your success depends on YOU learning over your lifetime and not just when you were in school.