Pressure Point Marketing

MLM Science Newsletter

Numbers That Matter vs Just Numbers

Published: Mon, 11/21/11

100% Today I find it funny when people go on and on about this company has made 500 million in sales last year... or another one preaches that their…

So What Do You Make?

Published: Fri, 11/18/11

100% Today This is an interesting question. One many ask when joining a business or a money making adventure. But... would you come up to me and…

Tarzan Has Me On This

Published: Tue, 11/15/11

100% Today yeah. I don't know how people can swing on a piece of rope and just accelerate so fast you feel like your going to die yet your safe. It's…

My Story And How To Copy It

Published: Tue, 11/15/11

100% Today Well I just shot a video to show you the actual graph of my success. I know you will dig it as I haven't always been cash positive but I…

What Does YOUR Upline Do For You?

Published: Sun, 11/13/11

100% Today Yeah... I know your upline isn't a direct connection to you having success but it helps... trust me. I mean. If you have been in a home…

Atlantis Bound Because

Published: Fri, 11/11/11

100% Today So with the massive success of my launch and making well over $30,000 last week online part time... my wife has been on overdrive. No. not…

Proof Is In The Pudding

Published: Tue, 11/08/11

100% Today I have no idea what that even means. What, the pudding tells all truths? Well, I figure I send you some status updates of what I'm doing.

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