Learn to Read: Free 30 Day Summer Access

Published: Tue, 07/13/21

Brought to you by Preschool Mom
Reading Eggs
You can witness your child learn to read…straight from home
And the best part is you can start in just a few minutes.
As a mom of four, I know the frustration of trying to get my kids interested in learning to read. They couldn't grasp those essential early skills. It was all too hard.
For my two oldest kids, the struggle was REAL.
Both of them were reluctant readers (it was never something they'd choose to do).
Worse still, my oldest was constantly guessing at words and struggled to grasp key phonics skills (decoding words).
I tried EVERYTHING from workbooks and flashcards to expensive DVDs. Nothing was able to "flip the switch".
Katy Pike and three of her children
As someone who'd spent 25 YEARS publishing educational resources, I knew there had to be a better way to introduce kids to reading – a better way to make the whole process a lot more enjoyable.
Over several years, we looked at everything, and I mean everything until we found the essentials that really work in teaching kids to read. We also discovered what makes kids want to learn, what motivates them to keep trying. So we took everything we learned from best practice research, phonics instruction and child motivation…
...and we created Reading Eggs.
The most comprehensive online reading program for kids aged 2 to 13.
The uptake was almost instant. Children LOVED it. Parents were overwhelmed with the results. We received thousands of letters from excited parents who couldn't believe their eyes...their kids were READING!
One dad wrote to us in amazement after his 3-year-old learned how to read on Reading Eggs - with ZERO additional help.
He thought it was some kind of magic.
2018 marks ten years of Reading Eggs. I've been amazed watching our beloved program spread all over the world.
And the sheer number of children who've learned to read with Reading Eggs is staggering:
That's more than the population of Sweden!
And because Reading Eggs actually DELIVERS on its promise to help children learn to read, you will love it too. The Reading Eggs program makes a difficult task easy, it turns reluctant kids into enthusiastic learners. It will take away any doubts you may have about your child's education. And that's one of the big reasons why parents love it:
I know you WANT to be part of your child's learning to read journey.
Thousands of parents have seen their kids learn to shine on Reading Eggs. They have written to share their excitement. That's how special the whole experience can be...because learning to read is the MOST important skill your child will ever learn.
With Reading Eggs, you can be right there when they read their first sentence. Imagine that.
And the built in reports let you see how fast their reading skills improve. In fact, we email them straight to your inbox.
I witnessed my two youngest kids learn to read on Reading Eggs. And the contrast with my older kids was amazing. It changed everything from a process full of struggle to an experience full of wonder and joy, for all of us.
And I want you to have that same magical experience, too.
Until August 13, you can try Reading Eggs FREE for 30 Days. No obligations at all. Click HERE.
This free trial offer is for a limited time only, so if you're interested please don't leave it too late.
You'll join hundreds of thousands of proud parents like Jacqueline Chappell, who saw an amazing difference in her child's reading ability:
"My preschooler LOVES Reading Eggs. She considers it a treat to get to play. She has made it through two levels so far and just keeps trucking. This is much more comprehensive and child-friendly than any other software or site we have used to date. I just wish this had been around when my older son was learning to read. I have recommended this program to several of my friends and plan to use it well into the future."
Here are the core skills your child will learn on Reading Eggs, which will turn them into a fluent happy reader:
Sight Words
Phonemic Awareness
Reading Fluency
Writing (hundreds of worksheets are included FREE with your subscription)
& So Much More!
And what makes Reading Eggs so unique is the fact that kids actually LOVE it!
Your child will play learning games, hatch critters and make real progress. They will love the songs, the characters, the funny animations, the golden eggs and the printable certificates they receive when they reach each important milestone.
Children are so motivated to complete the lessons that parents have uses Reading Eggs as a reward:
"You can go on Reading Eggs after you've cleaned your room!"
That's how much kids love it!
And best of all it's tailored to each child's individual abilities. We've had phenomenal feedback from parents of young kids, older kids, struggling readers, kids with learning difficulties and children with autism.
It only takes a few minutes to sign up for our special free trial that will get your child reading today.
This is a strictly LIMITED-TIME offer which will expire on August 13, 2021.
Click HERE to try Reading Eggs FREE for 30-Days.
10 million kids worldwide — the numbers really speak for themselves.
I hope you enjoy watching your child learn to read at home, just as much as I did.
Katy Pike
Publisher of Reading Eggs & mom of four
PS. This special 30-Day free trial offer is available for new customers only, and can only be redeemed by clicking this link HERE.
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