MomsAStewardess - Cory Aquino

Published: Sun, 08/02/09

August 2, 2009

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As we stormed heaven with our prayers for the healing of Tita Cory,
let us continue praying for the repose of her soul and for the
conversion of our collective soul as a Filipino nation.

Let us learn from her example of courage and sacrifice and may we
all realize that sometimes, our dreams need to give way to the
Lord's dreams for us. After all, as I say: "God is the greatest
writer in Whose Hands we entrust any pen with which He can finish
our stories."

Eternal rest grant unto Cory Aquino Oh Lord and may perpetual light
shine upon her. May she rest in peace. May her soul and the souls
of all the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen.

To read my latest post about Cory Aquino and Childhood dreams,
please visit:

What about you? What was your childhood dream? How has the Lord
changed it?