MomsAStewardess - The Key To Stewardship Is...

Published: Sun, 10/24/10


I hope this e-mail finds you well. I apologize for the long lag but
I have been very busy with responsibilities at home, work, school,
and parish but still, am grateful.

If gratitude is the basis of stewardship, responsibility is the
key. After we have realized that everything is a gift from God, to
be a better steward, we need to be responsible in handling
everything that we have been given.

A very good way to illustrate this is to revisit The Parable of the
Talents. I am sure you have read this story several times over
since you were a child. If you would like to learn to see this
story from another perspective, then please read my full article at


Have a great work week ahead. Be grateful. Be responsible. God