What Happened Back Then? 🌚 Lunar Eclipse Tomorrow! 🦄🌈Rainbow Frequecies SALE ENDS This Saturday

Published: Mon, 11/07/22

✨ One Great News - One Exciting News - One Here We Go Again News!-✨


❤This email is infused with VERY SPECIAL Crystalline Rainbow Starlight Frequencies of Ease, Bliss, Uplifting Joy and Calm! These special Frequencies will UPlift you and infuse the energy of Ease and Bliss into your Being. As you read and breathe deeply allow the Rainbow Frequencies to wash your stress away and fill you with wonderful soothing and blissful energy as you read this email.

The special Rainbow Frequencies Sale continues for 6 more days - Bask in more of these amazing Rainbow Frequencies as you learn about all the wonderful things they will do for you!
[ https://grt4.us/RainbowFreq ] OR [ https://grt4.us/Spooky-Funbundance ]


Hi Radiant !

GREAT NEWS .. my websites have returned from the mysterious "migration-land"! And they are super fast! That also means that the Crystalline Rainbow Starlight Frequencies Sale is back on it's own glorious and fun page at
[ https://grt4.us/Spooky-Funbundance ] And the witchy Rainbow Unicorn is there to welcome you!

Check out all the amazing things the Crystalline Rainbow Starlight Frequencies will do for you, your environment and your pets!

And just in case anyone has difficulty loading the website, I'll keep this link to the temporary page.
[ https://grt4.us/TempRainbowFrequenciesPage ]

This BIG Rainbow Frequencies Spooky Sale is SO BIG it will chase away all your stress and woes and scare in Joy, Ease and comfort! The savings are crazy with huge discounts on ALL the Rainbow Frequencies!

This makes NOW a great time to extend or renew your Rainbow Frequencies or to try them out them for the first time at BIG discounts.
✅ALL Rainbow Frequencies DISCOUNTS END this Saturday November 12th✅

✨▶EXCITING UPDATE! The Collective and I will be speaking on Your Divine Uniqueness THIS Thursday (November 10th) at 3pm New York time. Save the time on Thursday so you can join us live! (Magical things happen with The Collective live!) :-D

The Collective have confirmed the Topic for their talk - it is The Secret Power of Eclipses! Humanity has long had a fascination with Eclipses, they were feared, revered, misunderstood, worshiped, studied and even ignored. The Collective will reveal what humanity has missed about Eclipses, the power and Energy difference between Solar and Lunar Eclipses and more! Are Eclipses used as a form of Cosmic communication??

Here's the link to grab your seat for an eye opening look at the Secret Power of Eclipses straight from Source's mouth (my mouth!) and The Collective. (they wrote this line!)

✨▶▶Get all the info and access here (be in the front row!) <- they wrote that too....
[ https://grt4.us/TheCollective_onYDU_Eclipses ]



Tomorrow, November 8th we have another Eclipse! This is a powerful Total Lunar Eclipse (spectacular Blood Red Moon) and it will be visible in much of the inhabited world; North/East Europe, Asia, Australia, North America, Much of South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic, Antarctica.

The Energy from this Eclipse will NOT be as disruptive as the last Eclipse (which occurred while the Veils were thinned) but it will still be a disruptive force. Plan on giving yourself extra time and space tomorrow to do anything. This Eclipse's Energy will bring heightened emotions and sensitivity as well as confusion. You may find yourself more forgetful on Tuesday, so be prepared. Write notes and reminders the night before (tonight), leave things where you will see them. You might forget where you put them if they are out of site.

This Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus brings a year of jagged change to its climax. Lunar Eclipses are viewed in astrology as being deeply transformative times that can bring abrupt and sudden change. While this is true, there is another side to eclipses that is important to remember. Eclipses are like the cosmic helping hand of the Universe!

During a Lunar Eclipse, the shadow of the Earth falls across the face of the Moon bringing unconscious feelings to the surface and grounding them in reality. Eclipses come in pairs (or triples), and the energy of this cycle began October 25 with a partial solar eclipse on the new moon, the completion of this cycle will now be on the Beaver Full Moon tomorrow. Lunar eclipses are culminations of emotional cycles that have run their course, and they encourage us to let go of emotions and attachments that are no longer serving us.

The spiritual aspects of the Moon represent our deep emotional tides, and so when the shadow of the Earth passes over the Moon, temporarily ceasing the illumination of our emotional being, there is an opportunity to reveal and transform what's normally hidden by the Light.

Eclipses tend to bring trustworthy Energy and you can generally trust the direction you are being guided in... providing you listen WITH YOUR HEART (not head).

A bit more coming on Eclipse Day tomorrow!


✨▶...That "thing" from your childhood

What is that something that happened in your childhood? Something that is unconsciously holding you back TODAY?

It was important enough that it changed the course of your entire life. It was something they said, or something they did or didn't say or didn't do. At that point, your life turned around forever.

Whether you realize it or not, your life has since been split into "before" the event, and "after" the event.

This “event” still lives in your mind, subconsciously SABOTAGING your attempts at happiness and success.

By taking this short free Quiz, you can uncover what that blockage is - and find out how to overcome it.

✨Totally F.R.E.E... [ https://rewritehistory.com/quiz/a/brainenergy ]


✨If you won't take quizzes, download this History Healing Audio:

This audio uses the power of NLP to heal pain, trauma, conflicts and problems from the past -- permanently, and all in just minutes. It's a free gift to you.

[ https://rewritehistory.com/heal/a/brainenergy ]

Though I do recommend taking the Quiz, the answers you choose may reveal something important to you!


Have an amazing Monday and remember, all the big discounts on all the Rainbow Frequencies ENDS for good this Saturday! Get your Rainbow Starlight Frequencies before then:

[ https://grt4.us/RainbowFreq ]

Sending You an Abundance of Love and Appreciation,

Amy & The Collective
& the (witchy) Rainbow Unicorn

Wealth ~ Abundance ~ Joy NOW!
~ Be The Love That You Are ~



332 Mill Road
Stamford CT 06903

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