😊OPEN For 🎁 Your Special Gifts !💝🎁 Lots of Them!

Published: Tue, 12/06/22

❤✨Very Special Powerful Gifts for !✨


❤This email is infused with VERY SPECIAL Crystalline Rainbow Starlight Frequencies of Ease, Bliss, Uplifting Joy and Calm! These special Frequencies will UPlift you and infuse the energy of Ease and Bliss into your Being. As you read and breathe in deeply and allow the Rainbow Frequencies to wash your stress away and fill you with wonderful soothing and blissful energy as you read this email.

- You can bask in more of these amazing Rainbow Frequencies and learn about all the wonderful things they can do for you! [ https://grt4.us/RainbowFreq ]


Hi !

Happy Tuesday!

I come bringing you SPECIAL HOLIDAY GIFTS!

I love gifts and I am thrilled to be able to give you all these wonderful gifts during the Holiday Season! What a wonderful way to wrap up 2022 with a bow! (:-D)

These are fantastic gifts that will support starting your 2023 off powerfully!

They are ALL waiting for you here...

[ https://grt4.us/Gifts4-Best2023 ]

**Please share the link above with your friends and family who you feel would benefit from any of the gifts.**

If you scroll all the way down, you will find two very special and powerful gifts I am giving to you. :-)

Please accept all the gifts with my Love. <3



✨✨_Special GIFT: The Enlightenment Fest!_✨✨

This is an AWESOME opportunity to experience the special Enlightenment Fest free! The series runs for a whole 6 days! You will have access to the entire series (ALL episodes) from today through Saturday. This way you can binge watch them all in one day, watch 1 or 2 per day or however you prefer.

In this special Enlightenment Fest you'll learn how the Universe works, how your energy interacts with it, what your energy is or is not doing right now, and how to change it for the better which changes your life.

Change your energy, change your world ... it's a universal truth!

Discover how every alteration in your thoughts affects your energy. This is not about using your mind to change behaviors - it is much easier than that. It is about using your mind to influence your energy so the behavior automatically changes. The same holds true for all aspects of your life.

This is a variation on what's usually taught and learning it will help you master creating and manifesting your experiences.

I am thrilled to be able to gift you with these special sessions. The Enlightenment Fest is a beautiful complement to a holiday season filled with Bliss, Ease and Grace.

▶▶Please get your Free Pass now and explore it for yourself.

*Free Pass to Enlightenment Fest*:
✨[ https://grt4.us/Enlightenment_Fest ]


I hope you have a joyous day filled with Love and Miracles!

❤With an Abundance of Love and Appreciation,

& The Collective

Wealth ~ Abundance ~ Joy NOW!
~ Be The Love That You Are ~



332 Mill Road
Stamford CT 06903

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