🌒NEW MOON + INFO For Today's 🌟2 Special Powerful Eclipse Frequency + Acitvation Transmissions

Published: Mon, 04/08/24

✴ New Moon +Special Eclipse Transmission Today - 2 LEVELS of Transmission - You Choose Your Level


❤❤This email is infused with powerful Uplifiting Crystalline Rainbow Starlight Frequencies of Love, Wealth, Abundance, Success and Joy for this big Eclipse month! These special Frequencies flow to UPlift you and infuse the energy of Joy, Ease, Success and Abundance into your Being AND your month. As you read and breathe deeply, allow the Rainbow Frequencies to wash your stress away and fill you with wonderful, powerful and joyous energy as you read this email.

⭐Discover all the wonderful areas of your life that Rainbow Frequencies transform!
[ https://grt4.us/RainbowFreq ]


Hello ,

Happy Eclipse Day! Can you feel the powerful Energy? I have been feeling the Energy of the coming Eclipse the past 3 days, it's SUPER intensified today. The Energy feels rough and discordant as well as very powerful. Today it will be made comfortable and smooth! The special transmissions today will RE-ALIGN the Eclipse Energy into "You-compatible" Frequencies that are much more comfortable within your body and therefore much more beneficial.

▶▶ With all my Energy focus on this very powerful Eclipse ...I forgot it is ALSO a special NEW MOON in Aries! The Moon is New during the Eclipse Maximum at 2:20pm New York time (EDT). Definitely write a New Moon Abundance Check on this powerful Energy day! See the P.P.S. for the times when the Moon is NOT Void of Course to write a powerful New Moon Abundance Check. Instructions in the P.P.S. also. To be sure, the powerful event today IS the Eclipse, but the New Moon definitely brings additional power!

Hmmmmm...✨INTERESTING OBSERVATION: Everyone, except 3 people, who signed up for today's transmissions has been in multiple multidimensional Money Reiki Transformation sessions! In the monthly MMRT sessions, I transmit only "You-compatible" Energy and they know how WONDERFUL it feels!

✨✴REMINDER✴: Special Eclipse Frequencies and Activation, transmitted as comfortable "You-compatible" Eclipse Frequencies, is happening TODAY during the Solar Eclipse Maximum. There will be two Levels of Transmission (described below) - chose the one you want to receive. All details are below. You will have plenty of time to view the Eclipse - with safety glasses of course!

✨*IMPORTANT UPDATE* I have been compiling the list of all the people who signed up for this special "You-compatible" Eclipse Frequencies and Activations transmission during the Solar Eclipse with their requested level of transmission. The Special transmissions will be sent ONLY to this list TODAY during the Eclipse - starting at 2:17pm New York time (EDT) and ending at 2:47pm New York time, 30 minutes later. You will feel much better after receiving the "You-compatible" transmissions!

⏩▶DO NOT SIGN UP AFTER 2:00PM NEW YORK TIME TODAY! I can't be sure I will see your registration and add you to today's transmission list.◀

✨*HOW TO RECEIVE*✨✨All you will need to do to receive today's Eclipse Frequencies and Activations is to SET AN INTENTION to receive them. It is advisable to DRINK A LOT OF WATER before the time of the transmission. If you would like to enjoy receiving the comfortable and soothing "You-compatible" Eclipse Frequencies, be in a relaxed position in a peaceful spot at the time of the transmissions. If relaxing in a peaceful spot is not possible, just go about doing what you are doing. The transmissions will find you!

✨Details about the transmissions and how to sign up are below.✨

I have been guided to transmit special Eclipse Frequencies and Activations during the powerful Solar Eclipse on Monday. This special Eclipse transmission will tap into the powerful transformative Energy from the Eclipse and transform it into easy to assimilate "You-compatible" Frequencies to support your receiving only beneficial energy during the Eclipse.

This Eclipse is bringing Energy for re-setting and breaking free from old, non-serving patterns and mindsets. However, the disruptive Energy of this Eclipse will hinder your gaining the benefits and make it more likely the disruptive Energies of the Eclipse will be in the forefront of your receiving.

This is where the special Eclipse transmission comes in. I have developed a technique to turn harsh, non-harmonious and disruptive Energy into "You-compatible" highly beneficial and supportive Frequencies for you to assimilate comfortably.

✨The focus for this Eclipse are "You-compatible" Frequencies and Activations for High Powered Receiving, Deep Clearing of old patterns and mindsets that do not serve you - WITH OR WITHOUT additional Special Enhanced Frequencies for turning around Stuck Situations and Special Enhanced Frequencies for Clarity on Your Path and Masterful Creation Success.

According to https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/solar/2024-april-8

✅The Total Solar Eclipse begins to visible (NY area, EDT time zone) at: 12:38pm New York time

✨ECLIPSE MAXIMUM is at 2:17:21 pm (NY area) NEW YORK TIME (EDT)

✅The Total Eclipse visibility ends (EDT time zone) at: 3:55pm New York time -Partial Eclipse visibility continues

✨✨▶The special Eclipse Transmission of "You-compatible" Eclipse Frequencies and Activations will begin at 2:17pm New York time and END at 2:47pm New York time. The transmission will last for 30 minutes

✨There are TWO "levels" of "You Compatible" special Eclipse Frequencies transmission:

✅Level 1) "You-compatible" Frequencies and Activations for High Powered Receiving, Deep Clearing of old patterns and mindsets that do not serve you

✅Level 2) "You-compatible" Frequencies and Activations for High Powered Receiving, Deep Clearing of old patterns and mindsets that do not serve you, PLUS ADDITIONAL Special Enhanced Frequencies to Turn Around stuck ituations and Special Enhanced Frequencies for Clarity of Purpose on Your Path and Masterful Creation Success

▶The first level of transmission requests an Energy Exchange of $15
[ https://www.paypal.com/ncp/payment/WZCCPQEJYUH28 ]

▶The second level of transmission requests an Energy Exchange of $22
[ https://www.paypal.com/ncp/payment/3U9SPNZQBN7HU ]

✨When I receive your payment I will add you to the list I will be transmitting the special Eclipse Frequencies to on Monday at the Eclipse Maximum. The transmission will last 30 minutes.

✨You will receive either Level 1 You-compatible Eclipse Frequencies and Activations or Level 2 "You-compatible" Eclipse Frequencies and Activations. (Level 2 includes everything in Level 1 PLUS additional Enhanced Frequencies).

✅The transmission that you will receive is determined by the Level Energy Exchange you send.
All you will need to do to receive the Eclipse Frequencies and Activations is to SET AN INTENTION to receive them. It is IMPORTANT TO DRINK A LOT OF WATER before the time of the transmission. If you would like to enjoy receiving the comfortable and soothing "You-compatible" Eclipse Frequencies, be in a relaxed position in a peaceful spot at the time of the transmissions. If relaxing in a peaceful spot is not possible, just go about doing what you are doing. The transmissions will find you!

Here's to an exceptionally powerful Solar Eclipse day!

Wishing you a wonderful, powerful and COMFORTABLE Eclipse day!

With Boundless Appreciation and Love,

& The Collective❤

P.S. Only view the Eclipse directly if you have purchased special ISO certified Eclipse viewing glasses. Viewing with anything less is very likely to cause blindness!

✨✨P.P.S. --> Today is ALSO a powerful New Moon in Aries during the Eclipse Max at 2:20pm New York time. (EDT) Currently, EDT = GMT-4

✅Today is an especially powerful day to write a New Moon Abundance check so make sure to write one! Here is when to write it. NEVER write when the Moon is shown as Void of Course (VoC)

✅Apr 8, 2024 Moon is NEW at 2:20pm EDT in Aries - GREAT TO WRITE!
Apr 8, 2024 10:38 pm Moon Begins VoC Aries -STOP WRITING. WAIT

✅Apr 9, 2024 07:23 am Moon Enters ---> Taurus -VERY GOOD TO WRITE!
Apr 11, 2024 06:04 am Moon Begins VoC Taurus -STOP WRITING. WAIT

✅Apr 11, 2024 08:58 am Moon Enters ---> Gemini -SAFE TO WRITE BUT NEW MOON ENERGY IS MUCH WEAKER.


▶⭐▶ Within 24-48 hours of the New Moon *when the Moon is NOT Void of Course* (see best times above) write your check (NOTE: writing within 72 hours still works -> 72 hours= 3 days)

✔ Where it says "Pay to", write your name.

✔ In the little box on the same line where you would fill in a dollar amount, write words "Paid in full" and nothing more

▶⭐▶ On the line underneath your name, where you would write out a dollar amount, write words again "Paid in full." [It works better if you do not add a line after the words "Paid in Full".]

✔ Sign the check with: "The Law of Abundance" NOT your name.

1. DO NOT put a date on the check. (will limit Power)

2. DO NOT write a specific dollar amount in the check. (will limit Abundance)

3. It IS OK to draw a check on a piece of paper if you don't have a printer or a check. It works the same!
4. Write your intentions on the back of the check and in the memo section, but NOT elsewhere on the check.


Put your written Abundance Check in a safe place and forget about it. Turn it over to the Universe. Just hide it away and let it be. Then relax and enjoy welcoming in the Abundance!

It is powerful to tear up or burn old New Noon Abundance checks on the day of the next Full Moon to release all the New Moon Abundance energy to the Universe so you can reap what your New Moon Intentions have sown have sown over the coming weeks.


Wealth ~ Abundance ~ Joy NOW!
~ Be The Love That You Are ~



332 Mill Road
Stamford CT 06903

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