Last time we bug you on this; we promise.

Published: Fri, 08/10/12

You may have noticed that we had a big webinar last night. So big, in fact, that we actually closed registration 9 hours before the event.

Well, understandably, there were a lot of people who meant to get around to joining us and didn't anticipate our closing registration so early. We've had so very many gracious requests that (since they're making all the gifts and the recording available to those who registered whether or not they attended anyway) Oliver has informed us that they are going to allow people to post-register until Monday morning and still receive the webinar recording and bonus gifts.

To do so, you must follow BOTH STEPS outlined here:

Please don't skip STEP 2. It's not optional. Just paying is fine for us, but doesn't get you the downloads. Believe it or not, lots of people pay with paypal accounts that have email addresses they never check, or don't even have anymore. So yes, we really, truly do need you to confirm your preferred email address with STEP 2. If you're already in the  database you'll never get duplicate notes from them, and you can opt out at any time. This really is just to make sure you get your stuff, and they're not spending a lot of time answering frustrated emails.

This is a good problem, really. There are just so many of us in the Leadership Education universe now that we have to take an extra step to make sure we connect properly, or you and we are spending time trading emails that would be better spent reading to our kids. We know you know what we mean. ;-)

So anyway, if you're wanting to get in on the fun (and you should check out the feedback here and here, and here), you still have a little bit of time.

You will receive the free gifts immediately upon completing your registration, and the recording of the webinar will be ready early next week. They're processing it right now to upload to the site, so it shouldn't take much longer.

Thanks so much, everyone, for your kind words and support! This has been a really fun week...

The Leadership Education Team

P.S. Here again is that registration link: