Surprise: The Social Leader Daily

Published: Tue, 08/28/12

Email #401
   Social Leader Daily by Oliver DeMille



Perhaps the most significant thing mentioned by analysts of the Supreme Court decision on Obama's Affordable Health Care Act was Thomas L. Friedman's comment that "it's been so long since a national leader 'surprised' us."

Regardless of what you think about Chief Justice Roberts' decision, the idea that Washington and our leaders have become so predictable says something serious and deep about current America.

We are yearning for leadership, for innovation, for creativity and ingenuity in fixing our national problems.

When the surprises go against our views, it's frustrating.

But by far the most wearisome thing in modern politics is the lack of real surprises, the kind that come from real leadership.

Also by Oliver DeMille
Is American education preparing the future leaders our nation needs or merely struggling to teach basic literacy and job skills?
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