Oliver has asked me to respond to some questions about the upcoming class, "How to Mentor"

Published: Mon, 09/24/12

From the Desk of Rachel DeMille...

Hi, Friends,

We've had a great response so far on the "How to Mentor" class starting on October 9th. We've also had some excellent questions, and I have decided to address them here for everyone...

Q. Is this new content?
A. This brand new class, never before offered; it is not "canned" or "pre-packaged". It is being developed in direct response to a growing need in our own local community for a course for youth to prepare for adult studies, and to help adults mentor older youth and adults

It is harmonious with the principles taught in the books, and is not a repeat of the content in the books or any previously presented class or seminar. It is highly specific in application and technique, rather than just philosophical or motivational.

Q. What if my schedule doesn't work with the dates?
A. The content will be delivered to your email inbox on the dates of the class, and you have the option to listen when, and as often, as you like.

Q. Is it interactive?

A. Those enrolled in the online course will be asked to complete an interrogative form prior to the class start date to help Oliver get a "feel" for those in the course he does not already know. 

Of course, many of those enrolled are mentors that he has had as students over the years, and he is well familiar with them and thrilled to have them join us again! (You know who you are ;-D) 

This class is actually being delivered twice, [almost] concurrently. Oliver is offering this class live, in-person, starting on October 2nd in our own home to a group limited to 16 adults, aged 15 and older.

ImageOnce that class is completed each week, Oliver will do an "inventory", considering the students in the online class. 

From the local class and the "inventory", he will glean insights to inform his approach as he develops the optimal online session for those enrolled in the audio course. 

The online session on a given topic will be delivered one week following the locally-offered class, beginning on October 9th.

Both the local and the online classes will be mentored in the truest sense of the word, in that Oliver, as the mentor, begins with an end in mind - to empower the individual students. 

He does not have a rigid, preconceived plan for lecturing each week. The content he delivers will be tailored specifically to the needs of the participants as the course progresses. It is interactive in that the mentor will be shaping the content and delivery of the course based on the needs of those enrolled.

Individual class participants may have limited email and occasionally (where warranted), phone interaction with Oliver to help personalize the content and application of the class. (This benefit is not extended to those joining the class under the group rate - see below.)

How will the Discussion portion of the class be done?
 The discussions are intended for you to use as a practicum of the principles you're learning. Oliver will be giving examples and suggestions on how to carry out and improve discussions.

Those in the online course will be invited to participate in a dedicated Facebook Discussion group that we will host for that purpose.
They will also be encouraged to take initiative to set up live discussions on Skype, Google Hangout and other options, and to conduct local, real-time discussions in their own area. This will facilitate a deeper engagement with the principles, and the opportunity to practice the techniques suggested.

Can my spouse participate with me at the same cost?
Immediate family in the same household may access the course materials at no additional cost.

Is there a group discount?
We are pleased to encourage a shared experience for your local commonwealth, extended family or learning community by offering a special price for groups hosted in a  single location. This discount does not apply for individuals attending in separate locations.
Those in a family or group wanting additional personal mentoring apart from the downloadable course materials may arrange for that privately with Oliver.
Those interested in hosting a group may contact us for special pricing and details.

Join us!
I do hope this is helpful. Please let me remind you that the early bird discounted price ($199) is only available through September 30. After that the price goes up to $249.

However, if we get a big response we may choose to close the enrollment at any time (as we had to do for the recent webinar). We won't want so many in the class that we can't be effective in responding to individual questions from the participants, so please don't sit on the fence for too long!


Rachel DeMille, TJEd.org
"An Education to Match Your Mission"

P.S. You really are going to love this class. Ask anyone who's taken class from Oliver - he truly loves his students and has a gift to help them trans
 form into a greater version of themselves! Join us!