Oliver DeMille teaches "Current Events, Trends & Cycles from History" - Get your Early Bird Discount

Published: Wed, 12/26/12

A 6-week Course taught by Oliver DeMille

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Events in the world are heating up, and things are getting set for big changes just ahead.


Many (perhaps most) people feel that real challenges are coming, but they aren't sure what to do about it.

What is really going on in the world? Too often we can't really trust the media spin about current events, yet we all need to understand the truth of world events. Moreover, we need to know what trends and cycles tell us about what's ahead.

spin-canstockphoto10534727The coming years will be times of challenge, yet few people have an accurate understanding of what to expect. In this class, we'll address all of these issues, and help each participant get a clear picture of world events and the trends and cycles that are shaping the decade ahead--and beyond.

Those who take this class will know what to look for in world events, how to see through the media, how to find out what is really happening, and how to effectively plan and prepare.

What You'll Get Every Week

Each week you'll receive an email with a 60-90 minute audio by Oliver DeMille, including a discussion of the week's assigned reading. You can listen to it at the time of your choosing, whatever works best for your schedule. You'll also get several simple assignments to help you more effectively see through the façade of media spin.

Course Readings

Course Details

Class will run from January 15th through February 19th, 2013. Each week of for the duration of the course, you will receive an mp3 audio of Oliver's instruction (approximately 90 minutes in duration), with a corresponding class handout-delivered directly to you via email. Enrichment activities will be suggested and ideas for writing, discussion and application will follow each class period.

Course Fees

*Early-Bird Fee is $199 for those who enroll by January 7

*Regular Fee is $249 after January 7

A Great Gift! (Those who enroll will receive an Enrollment Confirmation Gift Certificate to announce the class. Do please remember to give us the email address of the recipient to include on our course mailing list.)

*Those who take this class will never see the world the same again, and they'll be able to look behind the scenes of current events and understand what is really happening in the world.

How to Register

To register for this course, click the Register Now button below, and upon completion of your transaction please confirm your request to join the class by clicking a link in the email you will receive.

important Current Events, Trends and Cycles from History

IMPORTANT: You must confirm via the link in your email in order to receive the course materials. If you don't see that email within an hour after completing your transaction, please contact us here!

If the address on your paypal account will not work for receiving the course materials, please contact us here to request that we add your alternate address to the class list. Please include in your message both the email address for your paypal, and the address you want us to use to contact you.

Early Bird Registration (through January 7, 2013): $199

After January 7: $249

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