We Hold These Truths to be Self-Evident: New book by Oliver DeMille

Published: Sat, 01/18/14


Natural Law and the Proper Role of Government...

I know, I know.

You've been meaning to get around to fixing America. Or Canada, or whatever great nation you call home. In the meantime, we've all been waiting for the politicians to fix things.

Still waiting...

Waiting's not working.
The real solution to our society's decline is surprising, and only the regular people can really make it happen. Few of our political leaders or anyone else knows what is needed.
The answer? Our society is breaking twelve natural laws, and until we change this, the decline will continue-- no matter what else happens.
On the other hand, when we know and live these twelve laws, we will create a new era of freedom, prosperity, and widespread success.
This is real. It's what Thomas Paine called "common sense." It's time to make it happen, and we, the regular people, have all the power over these twelve laws. Now is the time to take action!

But first we need to know the twelve laws.

 Get Oliver DeMille's new book now! >>


Much requested, long anticipated...

Mentoring in the Classics with Oliver DeMille

This new offering is ideal for adults, youth, parents, book groups, Commonwealths, teacher training - anyone who's ready to experience the classics with master mentor Oliver DeMille as your guide!
Our goal with this product is to help as many people as possible to get into the classics. See below for our special
Pre-launch Discount for our loyal subscribers - and their price doesn't go up!*

Please watch for the email requesting you click the link to opt in to the course email list! If your paypal email address is different than the one you'll want to use for course mailings, please notify us here.

How does it work?

Each month, mentoring will focus on one title from the schedule (see below).On the 1st of each month you will receive: On the 15th of each month you will receive: Ongoing: Other details:

What does it cost?

*Our special pre-launch pricing of $10/month is way, way below what it would typically cost for this service. We want to make it so that finances are not an issue, and hope to make it easy for all families and teachers who want Mentoring in the Classics with Oliver DeMille!
After January 31, 2014 the cost will increase to $20 per month for new subscribers (those already registered will remain at $10/month for as long as their subscription is active.)
Special pre-launch pricing for book discussion groups (up to 10 participants) is $50, increasing to $100 after 1/31/14. (For other pricing questions, please contact us by responding to this email.)
Please watch for the email requesting you click the link to opt in to the course email list! If your paypal email address is different than the one you'll want to use for course mailings, please notify us here.

2014 Schedule:

[Click here for a more in-depth presentation of the reading list >>] **This sentimental favorite was selected to facilitate meaningful family reading during the holidays!

Expand your mind  

  Learn "in the flow"  

  Increase your epiphanal rate!

The 7th Key of Great Teaching is "You, not Them." Come fill your bucket so you can Inspire, not Require!
Start your subscription right away for Mentoring the Classics, and get half price off your tuition!

Mentoring in the ClassicsPlease watch for the email requesting you click the link to opt in to the course email list! If your paypal email address is different than the one you'll want to use for course mailings, please notify us here.