Summer Reading for YOU by Oliver DeMille

Published: Fri, 06/14/13

5 Recommended Books for the Summer

by Oliver DeMille

"Dad, can you read to me more?" Meri asked me.

Surprised, I looked up from my book and responded, "Oh, sure."

I took the book she was reading and read a chapter aloud to her. When I finished, I handed her the book.

"Thanks, Dad," she said. "I could have read it myself, but I just love it when you read. I mean, in the winter you read to us a lot, and with all our classes and other activities it seems like I learn a lot from you, and all my other teachers.

"In the summer is when Mom reads to us the most, out on the couch on the porch, but I don't learn as much from other people, and it seems like you don't read to us as often."

Meri walked away with her book, but our little conversation got me thinking.
I've always taught that winter is the key time for family reading. But I think that summer is the most important time for kids to see their parents reading--mainly because they tend to spend less time on official "schooling" activities and more relaxed time with parents (and observing their parents' leisure activity choices) during the summer months.

When children and youth see their parents reading a lot, they naturally value reading. When children and youth value reading, they read more.

Our choices during summer to make a huge difference in the education of our kids, and one of the most impactful things a parent can do is set the example of reading.
If your kids see you reading books a lot, especially during summer leisure, not only are you filling your bucket of ideas and resources, but the example you set can drastically influence them. Reading is powerful!

On the national scale, all free societies are reading societies, and reading starts in the home!

Here's a great summer reading list that I'm following. I'm making sure all my children and youth see me reading these books this summer. And I'm really going deep--by reading with a highlighter and pen, taking notes and marking quotes as I go.
I'm sharing these books because I hope you'll do the same...
See Oliver's Book Recommendations »