[Your Color Style] Your Best Shade of Gray

Published: Thu, 09/21/17

So, we're getting ready to paint our bedroom and bathroom a shade of gray.

If you've ever explored the world of grays... and tried to find the perfect shade of gray... you know that it feels impossible. Some look purple. Some look almost green. Some look brown or silver.

Our wall is covered in samples of different shades of gray. We're going with a warm gray... and what's funny is that next to the other gray we tried... it looks brown and the other looks silver.

So, what makes a gray cool vs warm? When shopping, how do you know if that particular gray is going to look right on you? Is it warm or cool?

Click on the image below to watch this week's color theory video...

I love wearing charcoal gray. It's a little too dark for me, probably, but I love it. Silvery grays look awful on me because I have warm undertones. You're going to see gray everywhere in stores this season because Neutral Gray happens to be one of the trending colors.

Make sure the gray you find is right for you.



Jen Thoden is a color style coach, entrepreneur, runner & mother-of-the-year (not) dedicated. Her expertise in color and style has been featured in Inc.com, She Knows and Thrive Global. Her mission is to help women (re)discover their unique self and inspire them to take back their power in fun and creative ways. She is the founder of Your Color Style™, a proprietary online color system that makes it easy for women to discover their best colors and to learn how to style themselves in ways that say "I am worth knowing!". 
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