[Your Color Style] Color Theory: Spring vs Autumn - Seasonal Color Analysis

Published: Thu, 02/01/18

It's Color Theory Thursday!

Every Thursday, I share with you a lesson on color and color analysis. It's my mission to learn what colors look best on you and how to wear them so that you shine every single day.

In seasonal color analysis, there are 2 main seasons for warm undertones. Autumn and Spring. One is warm and deep and the other is warm and light. But what does that really mean for you? How do you know what colors truly look best on you? I explain spring and autumn in depth using the Your Color Style system.

Click on the image below to watch the video...

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Jen Thoden is a color style coach, entrepreneur, runner & mother-of-the-year (not) dedicated. Her expertise in color and style has been featured in Inc.com, She Knows and Thrive Global. Her mission is to help women (re)discover their unique self and inspire them to take back their power in fun and creative ways. She is the founder of Your Color Style™, a proprietary online color system that makes it easy for women to discover their best colors and to learn how to style themselves in ways that say "I am worth knowing!". 
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